
Rick's Bucket List circa 1990

Rick’s Bucket List circa 1990

During his career, Rick made sure he took the time to check things off his bucket list. It was made famous in the 2007 movie by the same name starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. The term is meant to mean the things that you want to see and do before you “kick the bucket,” i.e. die. In 1990, Rick wrote his bucket list. He actually wrote it down and carried it for 20 years in his work binder. He believes that to do anything you have to see it in ink. To point to your head and say: “It’s on my list,” is foolish. How many of us can’t remember where we put our car keys or why we walked into a room? Saying “I’ll do it someday” does not work. Someday never comes and you just get older. Look at his list. It’s real and he’s checked off many. But it’s not a static list. He adds to it.


Rick’s Bucket List included driving a dogsled in Alaska, rafting the Grand Canyon, walking inside the Great Pyramid and seeing six of the seven Wonders of the World. He uses these trips as the basis for his Enrichment series of talks. He’s gives one hour presentations to companies, associations, service groups, retirement centers, cruise ships, etc. Enrichment and Special Interest topics range from Ancient Egypt to Yellowstone; from Napoleon to Howard Hughes and over 70 other topics. These are not travelogues; they provide a historical perspective and intriguing information about the topics. He’s been to all the places he talks about, using HIS photos and stories. First person!!

His keynote is suited for larger groups seeking an exciting speaker to kick off events, serve as MC or as a featured presenter.